This is one of my latest creations. It is a "wish box". While "junking" at the local thrift store I found an old wooden trinket box. I painted it white, distressed it, and embellished it with vintage costume jewelry. Brooches, earrings, beads, rhinestones and crystals that I picked up at estate sales and thrift stores. I decided that this would make the perfect wish box. To use a wish box, you take a small piece of paper and write down your wish or goal. Fold it in half and squeeze it in your fist while concentrating on your wish.......then put it in the wish box, soon your wish will come true! I have some more ideas knocking around in my head, I hope to be able to create them soon. It has been a bit hectic around here with family from out of town visiting, our apartment being torn up by the capenters for renovation, and a very busy 2 year old.