Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ode to Rotissiere Chicken....(and Jane & Kidd)

This blog posting is dedicated to Jane & Kidd of WMYX 99.1 FM Milwaukee, ( my favorite morning radio hosts. Last week, on more than one occasion, Jane & Kidd were talking about rotissiere chickens. You know the chicken you can pick up at the grocery store for $6.00 - $7.00? Jane and Kidd inspired me to go out and buy a rotissiere chicken and much to my non chicken loving husbands dismay we have had rotissiere chicken more than once this past week! The best part of this story is that I have learned that these juicy chickens are so versatile and make for an easy and quick meal. Being the mom of 3, I am all over easy & quick these days!

I thought I would start sharing some of my easy, quick and delicious rotissiere chicken recipes. Today we had rotissiere chicken nachos for lunch. Fabulous! Thanks for inspiring me Jane & Kidd!

Pull meat off rotissiere chicken
arrange your favorite tortilla chips on plates
cover chips with shredded cheddar cheese
add desired amount of shredded chicken on top of cheese
put in microwave for approx. 45 secs to 1 minute until cheese is melted
add desired amount of salsa on top of chicken
add shredded lettuce and a tablespoon of sour cream in the center of plate

Stayed tuned for a new Rotissiere Chicken recipe each week, you won't be disappointed!

Sunshine and peace, Jen

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